Erkyah Badu aka DJ Lo Down Loretta Brown


Audience Shot

Artwork and Audience Shot


Tiara Thomas

Audience Shot

Audience Shot

Marlee in the Mixx & Ras Nebyu

Sunny and Gabe


Audience Shot/D.C. Food Trucks

Joey Bada$$ (PRO ERA)

Young Drummers at One Love Massive Stage

Artwork/Vendor Area

Mannywellz (Soundcheck)

Vendor (Bulletfpoof. #BlackLivesMatter)

Artist at Work

Audience Shot
Some pictures at the 2015 Broccoli City Festival in Washington, DC of various performers, vendors, audience members and more during on Saturday, April 25, 2015 by Mary Nichols (aka DJ Fusion of the syndicated FuseBox Radio Broadcast).
Pictures taken with a Sony A58 camera with various lenses.
Pictures taken with a Sony A58 camera with various lenses.
In Order: Erkyah Badu aka DJ Lo Down Loretta Brown, TINK, Audience Shot, Artwork and Audience Shot, ABIR, Tiara Thomas, Audience Shot, Audience Shot, Marlee in the Mixx & Ras Nebyu, Sunny & Gabe, Artwork, Audience Shot/D.C. Food Trucks, Joey Bada$$ (PRO ERA), Young Drummers at One Love Massive Stage, Artwork/Vendor Area, Mannywellz (Soundcheck), Vendor (Bulletfpoof. #BlackLivesMatter), Artist at Work, Audience Shot